PETA Rocks!

I'm really surprised to see how many (really cool) musicians are supporting PETA! It seems every time I get a newsletter, there is some musician singing the praises of PETA . One story is showing how Emmylou Harris is asking you to "Boycott KFC." Another newsletter was talking with Neko Case and her views on why she named her newest album "The Tigers Have Spoken" and more. There are also bands like Le Tigre, Death Cab for Cutie, and Jack Johnson that support PETA.

Now I do have to say that I'm not a vegetarian (though I wish I could be), but I do greatly appreciate the work that PETA is doing and especially how they're doing it.

Then as I was gathering the links for this entry, I run across this article talking about how Rue McClanahan is trying to prevent four elephants from being transferred from Chicago to Hugo, Oklahoma. This article also states that Rue is the honorary Director for PETA! Have I ever mentioned how much I love the Golden Girls?!

Damn PETA rocks.

Posted: Mon - June 27, 2005 at 11:41 AM           |
