Wetter and Wetter

The three little words that got British Sea Power banned from MTV... Click on the image to launch the micro-site player at Video-C (a great music video website). Here's what the site had to say about the single:

"Despite the video being ridiculously banned by MTV USA for the song’s lyrics featuring “wetter and wetter” in an “unsuitable manner”, ‘Please Stand Up’ gets a full UK release for British Sea Power, and rightly so. Following the Top 20 success of ‘It Ended On An Oily Stage’, the Brighton quintet are back with another rousing indie anthem, which brings to mind the likes of classic Echo & The Bunnymen and has been singled out as the stand-out track from the album ‘Open Season’."

I did have a brief run-in with British Sea Power, if you would like to hear about it. ;) Several weeks ago they were playing at the Grog Shop, which was also the same night that the Decemberists were at the Beachland Ballroom. Up until that day, I was still unsure which show I was going to see. That day during lunch I went to Chipotle in Coventry, which is just a couple storefronts down from the Grog. I saw the busses that were inevitably for the show that night, and I see people walking in and out of them. It was a beautiful day and I decided to sit outside and eat my burrito. I couldn't help but sit as close to the busses as would be socially acceptable. Not that I knew that much about the band, or that I was a stalker, but I was just curious.

From my rather inconspicuous position, I was able to experience the Grog owner (damn I forget her name) come out and tell the band she didn't know where the cab was, but she had called. I then got to hear the explanation on how they weren't really in Cleveland, but in Cleveland Heights, and that cabs were almost impossible.

I figured they would want to see Cleveland, but for the life of me couldn't figure out what they would do during mid-week lunchtime in Cleveland, OH (other than the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame).

Completely aware of the entire situation, I was able to see a confused cab driver on Euclid Hts blvd, looking for someone to pick up. I then saw the impatient band members wondering where the cab was, with the busses blocking their view. So I shouted over to them that their cab was just over there and they were able to flag him down. Just think, I could have been the catalyst to BSP's one and only chance to experience the world famous Rock & Roll Hall of Fame (or I could have just looked like a weirdo). I prefer the first one. (btw, I didn't end up going to either show). Exciting story huh? :)

Posted: Sun - June 5, 2005 at 01:58 PM           |
