Video Hijacking and Compression w/ Tegan & Sara

So today in my random web travels, I stumbled upon a program that hijacks audio & video from iTunes! The early days of the web, it was easy to hijack... all you had to do was find the specific folder hidden within Preferences & Internet Explorer and just grab the files before they were deleted. It's not so easy anymore, so finding this application was quite a jem. It's called ITMS Extractor from Isophoic Software.

It was quite easy to use and best of all it's free. My next issue has been wanting to put up video on this blog, but doing so I would need to compress this video. I had used Sorenson's video codec in the past, but it's a hefty price. I looked for some others, hopefully free ones, but to no avail. Finally I realized that I might be able to do this with just my iMovie application... and it worked GREAT! (Hint, you should use the "share" feature rather than scouring the application for an "export" or "save as" feature). ;)

So for your viewing and listening pleasure, here is Tegan & Sara performing Speak Slow. Hijacked with ITMS Extractor and compressed with iMovie.

Posted: Mon - March 28, 2005 at 11:24 AM           |
