Geeking Out

The arrival of my brand new 15" PowerBook will completely change the way I interact with my music! This entry will be dedicated to all the music fanatics out there who are also techies (Apple ones)! Here's a list of what hardware / software I'm using, and how I'm using them!

Big Poppa - The 15" PowerBook G4
- SuperDrive
- 100GB HD
I obviously got the largest HD available so that I have plenty of space to fill out the iPod (when I get one)

iTunes 4.7.1 (
The easy choice for music storage, organization and acquisition (legally)

Acquisition X (
I'm not a big filesharer, but it's a great tool for finding songs you want to hear and not necessarily own. ;) (
If I am going to buy music, I do it here!

Delicious Library 1.1 (
This was THE BEST CD (book, movie, game) library software out there for OSX! It has barcode scanning through iSight and links directly with to quickly load all information about the item! Slick program!

iBlog 1.4.1 (
What you're reading right now. A decent blogging application that automatically connects to my .Mac account.

Sync Entourage-iCal 1.0.13 (
This AppleScript takes my concerts listed in my Entourage (my main calendar) and synchronizes them with Apple's iCal, so that I can then publish my music calendar directly to my .Mac account (therefore my website)

Missing Sync for Palm OS 4.0.4 (
This application synchronizes my Kyocera 7135 Palm Phone with my computer. This palm phone has a built in MP3 player (a mediocre program) that allows you to use your phone as a MP3 player. It integrates with iTunes so that your SD memory card mounts in iTunes and you can directly move MP3's over to the phone.

FileMaker Mobile 2.1 (
This is on my palm phone as well. I use this so that I can have my music library out with me when I'm away from my computer. All I have to do is export the data from my Delicious Library into FileMaker, sync it with my phone, and voila! I see instantly what I already have. For the longest time, I always remembered what I had and didn't have, but I've gotten past that point.

Shockingly enough... no iPod yet! I'm waiting for the iPod Photo's to come down in price and increase in space!

Posted: Fri - March 25, 2005 at 04:14 PM           |
