New Pretenders Album, Innovative Distribution

Can't say I'm a huge Pretenders fan, but I definitely enjoy them... and hey, they (used to be) local. Take a listen (or download) The Nothing Maker over at iLike.

(via Billboard)

The Pretenders will roll out their new album, "Break Up the Concrete," as one MP3 per week with a different partner leading up to the Sept. 23 CD street date via Shangri-La Music.

The first song, "Boots of Chinese Plastic," is available for free download via AOL's and the Pretenders' Web site. Subsequent tracks will roll out with partners such as QuickTime,,, iLike, iMeem,, VH1 Classic, Yahoo!, CBS Radio and MSN Windows Media.

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Posted: Fri - August 1, 2008 at 07:36 AM           |
