No More Pollstar Premium

WTF? Since when do websites downgrade?

Pollstar had been one of the few things I was happily paying to use. You were sent alerts for up to 100 artists or venues, as shows were added! You also had access to the Pollstar Marketplace (blah). True the site is dated and a change is needed, but why take away something so valuable?

Here's the message I received yesterday:

Dear Pollstar Premium Subscriber, is in the process of upgrading our site, including many of our online features. Because the changes to will be substantial, new or renewed Premium memberships are no longer available.

We still offer all users our free auto-notify accounts for five artists or venues. If you wish to continue to receive these free notifications after your Premium expiration date you will need to edit your list down to five selections.

We anticipate launching more new features in the near future and hope you will continue to enjoy using during our time of transition.

Thank you for using Pollstar!

Your Premium account expiration date: 04/04/2008

5 artists or Venues?? What crap. Whatever they're cooking up better be good... (ooh, maybe RSS feeds!) :)

Posted: Fri - November 16, 2007 at 07:15 AM           |
