Previously Unreleased Dan Bern Recordings... Released!

I can't believe I didn't even know these existed... From his MySpace Bulletin Post:

I just wanted to let you know that Dan has decided to make a few of his previously unreleased albums available for downloading. They are all currently available on iTunes, and they will also be available on several other popular digital music sites (eMusic, Napster, Rhapsody).

* Macaroni Cola - 18 tracks - recorded in 2000 - 2001

* The Burbank Tapes - 11 tracks - recorded in 1998

* Divine and Conquer - 10 tracks - recorded in 1994

I'm only seeing Burbank Tapes and Divine & Conquer on eMusic... Hope to see Marcaroni Cola there soon, otherwise It'll have to be my first iTunes Plus purchase.

Dan Bern's MySpace Page.

Posted: Thu - November 15, 2007 at 07:54 AM           |
