Beachland Update

If you haven't noticed, they have a new website! (much nicer guys)

They're also staring up a "Friend of the Beachland" program!

Details from their mailinglist:
We are creating a Friend of the Beachland card that will give you admission to any seven Beachland shows (except the few $20-plus shows, like Leon Russell, Peter Bjorn & John, and Michelle Shocked) we have scheduled from now until the end of the year for $50 upfront. We are planning to build on this promotion by giving any card-carrying Friend of the Beachland additional perks like posters, CDs, inside scoops, etc. So if you want to help us out and become a ground-floor Friend of the Beachland, call us at the office at 216-383-1124. We will take down all the info and mail your personal card or schedule you to pick it up at the next Beachland show you attend.

Posted: Mon - November 5, 2007 at 08:36 PM           |
