Worth checking out...

"Guster has announced an April 10 release date for an eight-song EP dubbed "Satellite," which takes its name from band's latest single. The cut, which appears on the group's latest full-length set, last year's "Ganging Up on the Sunj," is one of eight songs housed on the forthcoming EP, which will also include an "electronica-inspired remix" of the cut created by up-and-coming producers The Astronauts, according to a press release. Rounding out the EP will be four previously unreleased originals, as well as a pair of live covers (The Beatles' "Two of Us" and Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart") featuring "non-singer/drummer Brian Rosenworcel's vocal stylings." (from LiveDaily)

R.E.M. is recording another album!

Check out the new The Bravery tracks streaming here. It's about time!

Junk-Mag has an interview with K-OS. One of my few favorite Rap artists.

The Gossip go major label and sign to Columbia (here). Not sure how I feel about this, but I guess if the Decemberists can pull it off...

Posted: Fri - March 9, 2007 at 03:49 PM           |
