Joan Osborne Bonanza

Every once in a while, the name of an artist will pop in my head that I haven't heard from in a while, then I'll go and see what they've been up to... this is what happened last night with Joan Osborne. It hasn't been that long since mentioning her latest release, but I was quite surprised to see all the activity I've been missing!

All this is thanks to Joan Osborne Fan Central:

- Joan finally has an official website again!

- She as a podcast over at eTown. If you subscribe to the podcast, you'll also get episodes with Ray LaMontagne, Bright Eyes, Sarah McLachlan and more...

- She has a concert over at NPR.

- She also has a live performance over at KUT in Austin, TX.

- And the biggest news of all, she's planning on releasing ANOTHER album, "Breakfast in Bed." Admittedly, she's known for doing R&B covers (Standing in the Shadows of Motown), and it's not the strong alt-country / blues album that I'm waiting for, but anything works. :)

To celebrate, I thought I would share her cover of "What Becomes of the Brokenhearted":

Posted: Tue - February 27, 2007 at 06:01 PM           |
