New Look and Why I Write This Blog..

How do you like the new look?  Okay, it may not look a whole lot different, but I've finally figured out how I could alter the CSS in iBlog to make it look how I want.  I've just done some minor changes for now, but there will be more to come.  This is primarily thanks to the CSS class I just finished at Learning Tree International.  Figuring this out also gives me a lot more respect for using iBlog, knowing I have access to all this stuff "under-the-hood."

I also decided to write a new side-bar entry (About This Blog) on why I'm doing this. Too often I run across blogs that I have no idea of the purpose. I figured this would give people a good idea of the point.

Posted: Sat - January 27, 2007 at 12:43 PM           |
