Video: My Love

So I don't like to think of myself as a Justin Timberlake fan, but I do enjoy (some of) his music and I think he's a good guy. He keeps his nose clean, he's cute... and a great dancer. Really nothing there to cause controversy (a nice change). Though my point isn't to give kudos to Justin, but really to his "My Love" video. It starts a little slow, but after a minute and a half it gets to the song and some great choreography. One of the best parts is the scene at the end where the camera is doing a complete 360 degree view of him dancing. Impressive. Check it out.

He IS coming to Cleveland , but it's at the Q and we all know how I feel about that place. ;) Besides, tickets are going for $56 & $75. Too bad.

Posted: Wed - December 6, 2006 at 12:50 PM           |
