Still Here... Moving, iBlog & Google Calendar

Just a little note to let you know I'm still here. :)

Just moved into our new house this past weekend... All my CD's are still in boxes and I'm still working on getting my wireless up and running... as it turns out, you can't administer a 1st or 2nd generation Airport with OS 10.4. I've also upgraded all my friends iBooks to Tiger so I can't find any older Apple laptop to help me out. I guess that means it's time for a new wireless router anyway. I'm really looking into getting the Airport Express with "AirTunes." I really like the idea of streaming my iTunes to my home stereo.

In other "more to come" news...

iBlog is *finally* nearing the Beta release of the iBlog 2.0! Ugh. What a long, horrible wait. I'm really hoping it'll be worth it... If not, I may be on the market for a new app.

I also discovered that I can have Google Calendar auto subscribe to my published iCal music calendar. While I don't mind the web version of iCal, I'm feeling there's probably much more you can do with Google Calendars. One options looks like I'll be able to allow readers to input their own events, making it more "community" based... We'll see. In the meantime, you can preview it here.

Posted: Wed - November 8, 2006 at 07:41 AM           |
