The Spot

Being on campus every day, it's amazing to discover everything that goes on here that you never notice when you're just driving by it. Fraternity Pig Roasts and Foam Parties, Amnesty International Meetings, Theater Try-outs, etc... I also discovered that a campus bar called The Spot has some really good upcoming shows. This coming Wednesday is a band called Supersystem, who reminds me of The Faint with their electro-clash dance music. Good stuff. I definitely plan on checking them out and I'm excited to see The Spot. Keep an eye on "My Concert Calendar" to see what else is coming.

Supersystem (MySpace)

Here's the promo piece posted by the campus UPB:

Free Concert!
Type of music: Danceable Electronic Indie & Cleveland Rock

Quirky, energetic, and playful are only a handful of words summing up Supersystem's live sets. 
Supersystem, comprised of Justin Destroyer, Pete Cafarella, and Rafael Cohen, was formerly know as El Guapo when on Dischord Records. Adding drummer Joshua Blair (Orthrelm) to the dance mix, Supersystem penned new tracks and released the Born into the World/Defcon single on their new label, Touch & Go Records. Always Never Again, Supersystem's full-length debut, was released in April of 2005. The band returned to the studio quickly, collaborating with producer Jonathan Kreinik for their second album, A Million Microphones. Released in summer 2006, this set of songs was slower and more eclectic than Supersystem's debut and reflected the influence of hip-hop and world music on their sound.

Let's dance!

Plasma For Guns will be opening up with their interesting mix of guitars, distortion, and instrument swapping set. Yea, they do that quite often.

Posted: Thu - August 31, 2006 at 05:51 PM           |
