Blog Structure Updates / New Calendar Info

FYI. Now that I'm using this RSS reader and increasing my music news exposure exponentially (in less time), I realized how many exciting new album releases were coming up and that I wanted to remember. I started a list on my computer, but figured what better place than to share them with you here. These are either long-time favorite artists, or new bands that have been getting some buzz. You should definitely check them out.

I also switched all my calendar data from Microsoft's Entourage to the built-in Apple iCal program. Being on an Intel based MacBook, I am receiving so much better performance with the native Universal applications. And now that I'm using iCal, I don't have to remember to sync Entourage with iCal, meaning a much more updated My Concerts Calendar calendar.

If you have any suggestions on releases or shows I should add to either of these calendars, drop me a message.

Posted: Sun - August 27, 2006 at 10:25 PM           |
