Perishers Update & YouTube Music Videos

If you haven't checked out the Scenestars blog, you should. Rachel is doing a great job of posting great shit... probably even more so since she dropped her fellow writers (or whatever happened). One example is her re-discovery of the Perishers, who never really went away for me. You can read her post here. Otherwise, I'll just repost the videos that she scared up on YouTube. (Oh, a third album is in the works)

The Perishers - Sway

The Perishers - Trouble Sleeping

Seeing this also make me think that getting to see every music video made, on demand, without paying iTunes $1.99 (!!!) is very cool. I hope this goes through with YouTube aims to show music videos (

Posted: Thu - August 17, 2006 at 07:30 AM           |
