The "Angelina Jolie of Applications"

I never really liked RSS Readers. As someone who writes a blog, I didn't like the idea of only seeing aggregated articles without the context of the entire web page. While I was effectively using Safari's tab feature to view multiple blogs at once in a single window, I just acquired too many blogs that I enjoyed. I even tried grouping them by Music, Tech, Library, etc... Finally I just stopped reading them, missing some great entries.

Acquisition is one program I'm already using and very happy with. The same developers also offered NewsFire, which I already heard was a great product. I thought I'd give the demo a try and I was instantly in love. It was extremely easy to add new feeds and to organize things any way you want. You could also view images and embedded videos from the actual site (a big winner for me). You even have the option to create smart feeds based on searching other blogs or news sites! I've already created a smart feed that I can aggregate blog entries that I've flagged to blog about later. I quickly dropped the $18.99 registration fee for the full functionality.

If you haven't already joined the RSS revolution, you should.

*warning to iBlog users, for some reason you loose formatting when viewed in NewsFire (and other aggregators I presume). Hopefully iBlog 2 will fix this whenever it comes out.

Posted: Sun - July 23, 2006 at 09:00 PM           |
