Want to know what I'm listening to?

Probably not... but that's okay.

I'm constantly amazed at how amused and entertained I am with the Internet. Not only do I thoroughly enjoy blogging about music (and wish I could do it 24/7) but I'm always discovering more and more cool things to play with. Now I'm a bit fuzzy about how all this happened, but I'll explain what I can.

The first thing I found was this website called Audioscrobbler, which has now turned into Last.FM. If you downloaded an Audioscrobbler plugin called iScrobbler (for OSX), it would take statistics from your iTunes and post them on your Last.FM page. (just a warning that I've found a lot of locations for iScrobbler, but the link I just provided is the newest release... I'm not sure why MacUpdate and SourceForge don't have the newest version). Now I've been using Last.FM for a little while, but never really looked at what features it offered - until last night. Well, as any good modern day web application, they offer services for bloggers!

So without going overkill, I've added what I'm currently listening to, as well as my current Top 10 from my iTunes. And as with most of this stuff... it's nothing earth shattering, or even really that important... but it's a hell of a lot of fun. ;)

Check out my main Last.FM page: http://www.last.fm/user/rogerzmusic

Posted: Tue - April 11, 2006 at 09:02 AM           |
