Brief Update... Josh Rouse, Flaming Lips, Arctic Monkeys, Beth Orton

So this is getting to feel a bit like the Josh Rouse blog... but he's worth it. Here's an article and a link to an interview with Josh at NPR. It's a great little interview (9 min) talking about his move to Spain and his new album. Take a moment to listen and tell me if you think he sounds a bit like David Sedaris .

Josh Rouse: Moving in a Mediterranean Direction
Listen to the interview here (Real Player): rouse.smil

February 25, 2006 · Josh Rouse was close to giving up his professional music dreams when his first album came out eight years ago. A Nebraska native, Rouse had settled in Nashville after travelling extensively. A couple of years later, he had a record label deal and an acclaimed debut album, Dressed Up Like Nebraska. Two years after that, he was able to give up his day job as a hotel valet parking attendant.

Since then, Rouse and his spare and easy-sounding guitar songs have been quietly but surely cropping up on TV and in movies (Vanilla Sky). He toured with artists including David Gray and Aimee Mann, releasing more albums along the way.

It can be hard to find a photo of Rouse where he does not look slightly pained. His music, like his demeanor, suggest a solitary and contemplative mood. Still, Rouse finds room for lighter atmosphere: On 2003's 1972, he pays homage to the smooth, groovy rock of his birth year.

Rouse also finds room for new influences. In 2004, he bade farewell to his Tennessee home both literally and figuratively, with the melancholy Nashville. His latest album, Subtitulo, was written from the vantage point of his new home base, a small town on the Mediterranean coast of Spain. Now, he's setting his sights on writing Spanish-language songs.

Rouse talks about his music and his latest residence with Scott Simon. He embarks on a series of North American tour dates in April.

And for those of you who are not so legal-music-only conscious... Just a little hint that they have uploaded the new (and not-yet-released) Flaming Lips, Arctic Monkeys and Beth Orton over at .

Posted: Fri - March 3, 2006 at 10:45 AM           |
