Willie's New "Gay Cowboy" Song

Despite how sexy the thought of "gay cowboys" is, I'm getting a bit tired of that concept... between Brokeback Mountain and now this new Willie Nelson song. Regardless, it's still worth mentioning. This was actually the first song listed on the iTunes newsletter of new release which kinda surprised me, knowing this song may be controversial.

You can read the Towleroad article where I first heard about it, and get some background on the song.
Here's another article.

So even though I bought this song from the iTunes Music Store, I thought I could share it just as I share any other song in my iTunes. That doesn't seem to be the case. Until I can find a way of doing so, you can preview the song over at the iTMS by clicking here.

Posted: Wed - February 15, 2006 at 06:58 PM           |
