The Black Keys in my Basement

So things are still pretty hectic this week as we prep for our first big party. D and I are having a themed party this Saturday, where we will be giving out prizes for who has the tackiest sweater. Yes, it's a bad sweater party!! We're still working out what prizes will be for 1st, 2nd & 3rd. Email me if you'd like to come and need directions.

Preparation for this party has been a huge motivator for getting things done around the house. Just as I shared our new bathroom, we've also redone the floors in the hallway and one of the bedrooms. I also stripped the kitchen floor and re-shined it. Looks great! However, it's monopolizing every bit of our time before the party. I just have visions of D & I shoving things under couches and behind bookshelves as people are walking in the door. But damn is our place gonna look good (comparatively of course)!

So what does this have to do with music? Well, last night I started on the basement... D had class, so I was home alone. I glanced at my CD collection and The Black Keys CD jumped right out at me. I thought, huh, they're coming to concert soon so I'll give it a whirl. I threw it on the stereo in the basement and cranked it.

What a great fuckin' CD!!! I dug to the deep trenches of our basement and back, organizing and throwing shit away to dark, gritty, bluesy rock of the Black Keys. I ended up listening to it 3 times in a row... I couldn't get enough. Now I'm really excited about their show at the Agora on Feb. 25th!! (I really hope I can make it...).

Here are a couple songs for you:

10 A.M. Automatic:
Stack Shot Billy:

Posted: Thu - January 26, 2006 at 12:29 PM           |
