Todd Thibaud (& Others) this Saturday

What are the chances... I'm sitting here late at work, scanning through my iTunes list for something to listen to. I run across Todd Thibaud, who I first heard at the Tin Angel show in Philadelphia (click on that link to hear a great song by Todd). Since that show, I've been anxiously waiting for the chance to see him perform again, but as the main act. So as I'm listening to him, I figured I might as well check his website to see if he's doing any touring. Low & behold, he'll be in Akron (Mustard Seed Market) on Friday and at the Winchester on Saturday!!!

Saturday is a busy day for shows. One being Julie Loyd at the Barking Spider (previous post). The second being Susan Werner at the Beachland Tavern. While both are appealing, Todd outranks them... if anything, just his sexy voice would be worth it!

So wait... I just checked the Winchester site, and I see they have listed Saturday as being their Songwriters Circle night (hosted by Anne E. DeChant). Grrr... So here he will be playing with 3 other people in the round. Not a bad concept, but when am I going to get to see Todd solo!?! I may just have to make it down to Mustard Seed on Friday (shit, he'll be playing with Anne down there as well!).

Round @ the Winchester - Songwriters Circle   This is the usual songwriters circle we feature hosted and led by Anne E. DeChant.  We will have four or five local artists perform acoustically and tell stories about the songs and why they were written.  Tickets are $8.00 at the door.  9:00pm.

Posted: Wed - November 16, 2005 at 05:25 PM           |
