Looking for Good Album Art?

This is something that I run into often. I need album art for iTunes, for the songs I procure elsewhere, so I can print nice CD labels. I also need album art for my music library being stored in Delicious Library and for posting cover art here.

These are the best ways I've been finding album art...

Google Images . Not a bad option. It usually gives you choices on image sizes (for popular albums), but not so good for the harder to find album art (or if your looking for generic terms, like for the album by James called "Laid").

Amazon.com . This is a good site because it has a massive library of music and often has art, that if you click on it, produces a larger res version (mostly for the newer stuff).

Album Cover Finder (software). Not a bad application, which gives you all kinds of little gadgets for playing with your music and cover art. But I believe it's just pulling from Amazon anyway (so not sure it's worth the cost for the "Full Version."

Now thanks to a post on the Apple Blog. They give us another option:

Easy Album Art
by Dan Lurie
I just came across a fairly easy way of getting high resolution album art for any album in your iTunes library. Navigate in the iTMS to the album for which you want the art, right click on the album title in the top frame, and copy the URL. Then, post that URL into this site, which will give you links to both low and high resolution versions of the album art.

I've tried it on a couple albums and it's pretty slick. Again, sucks that it has to be in the ITMS to get the artwork, but hey, I'm all for options.

Posted: Sat - October 22, 2005 at 11:26 AM           |
