What?! New Liz Phair?

So I can't believe this crept up, completely off my radar. It wasn't until my MSN Music email promotion did I even see she was putting out a new album (either sad for me, or sad for her). Here's the description MSN gave of it: "The iconic indie artist leaves behind the anger and cynicism of her youth with a pop album full of hope."

Liz Phair has been one of those artists who I knew I needed to like back in the day. Well respected rockin' alt-female. What more could you ask for? Though I had a overall appreciation for her music, I never truly connected with it. But still, being the obsessive music collector, I still got all her albums.

Now I know the recent stuff is just swill to the hard core Liz phan, but it's okay to me, and I continue to pay attention to what she's doing. Besides, she's still a hot rockin' mom just trying to fend for her child right? ;)

I still think she's going to wow us again.

Oh, and she's even coming to the Odeon on Friday, October 28th.

You can stream her new album here.

Update: Here are some reviews you can read about her new album...

From Paste Magaine
From Live Daily
From dreamlogic.net

Posted: Tue - October 4, 2005 at 10:06 AM           |
