Is Pandora Worth It?

I just received the following email:

Thanks again for participating in our friends & family preview - this has been a very exciting couple of months for the company. Lots of great feedback from all over the world - we're eager to continue adding the many great new features and ideas that have been sent our way.

I just wanted to remind you that your free trial of Pandora expires after today, 9/27, and we'd love for you to continue listening.

Pandora costs just $36 for one year of unlimited listening or $12 for three months. Click here to if you want to join up:
Pandora Media

I love the concept. But I just don't know if I need to spend money on a service like this, since I have sooo many MP3's on my system that I could be listening to already, not including the rate at which I acquire new music.

Joan Armatrading is one of my ALL TIME favorite artists, so I thought I would put her in as the base for Pandora to build a radio station. Below is a screen shot of what they provided me with... (I'm fairly impressed) Hmmm...

Posted: Tue - September 27, 2005 at 02:01 PM           |
