Melissa is Cancer Free

Yay for Melissa! I know, I know... she's old hat, but she still holds a special place in my heart. I remember at time back in 1991, driving in my sisters Dodge Daytona to a Mall in Toledo, I heard the futuristic rock song "2001" and thought it sounded amazing. You see, at the time I was listening to Warrant, Firehouse, Slaughter, Skid Row, Motley Crue (I should stop there shouldn't I?), so to hear a female rocker was definitely different, but I liked it... a lot.

At the time I dug women. So when I went to the local mall and found her cassette for "Never Enough" and saw her guitar, bare back and long hair, I was smitten. It wasn't until after I came out that I realized that I never really thought she was hot, but it was my life-long love of lesbians that attracted me to her. Anyway...

Then she got BIG, came out, married, had kids, divorced, married again... all while putting out mediocre albums. On each of the albums I feel there are songs where she captures something special, but much of the time I feel like she's dolling out the same ol' stuff. I've since turned to other musicians for the truly insightful inspiration that I look for in music, but still like to revisit Melissa for a connection to my past.

Besides, she broke me out of the hair metal phase in my life, and for that I owe her my life (at least my dignity).

Melissa Etheridge says she's cancer free
August 04, 2005 06:07 PM
by liveDaily Staff

Rocker Melissa Etheridge, who revealed last year that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer, now says that her body is free of the disease.

Etheridge spoke about her health during a Wednesday (8/3) appearance on the syndicated entertainment-news program Extra.

"I'm cancer free, totally cancer free," she told reporter Jon Kelly. "I stand before you a completely healthy person."

Etheridge underwent two cancer surgeries last October, during which a tumor and some lymph nodes were removed from her breast.

During an unannounced appearance at this February's Grammy Awards ceremony, Etheridge--bald after undergoing chemotherapy--made her first public performance since she was diagnosed with breast cancer last October, sharing the stage with young singer Joss Stone during a tribute to Janis Joplin.

Posted: Fri - August 5, 2005 at 03:46 PM           |
