Can't Stop the Beat!!

I was running a brief errand in Coventry this morning, when I walked past the Grog Shop / B-Side Liquor Lounge and saw this poster. Indie Dance Party?!? Sounded kinda cool... Then I noticed written on the glass was the MySpace URL: Of course I have to check it out...

I'm impressed with the music!!! The Faint, The Killers, Bravery, Franz Ferdinand, Junior Senior, Modest Mouse, Gorillaz, etc. etc. etc! Whoa, why haven't I heard of this before! Great to see this music is being played somewhere here in Cleveland. Guess where I'm going to try and be on Sunday. Though 10pm is kinda late to be out on a Sunday night. Ugh, am I show my age?

Posted: Thu - July 21, 2005 at 12:05 PM           |
