Rogerzmusic now Flickr's!

Call me a bandwagon hopper, but I guess it's time I joined Flickr as well. I like this iBlog app for writing and posting my blog, but what it doesn't handle so well is the picture to text ratio. I struggle with putting multiple photos on the page when there's not enough text to surround them. This Flickr account can help with that, so you can see the other pictures from shows that I didn't get to put here.

So as I was about to export my photos from iPhoto to manually load them, one by one through the Flickr site, but then I see they have a Flickr upload tool for OSX! Not only that, but someone has even created a kick-ass iPhoto Flickr export tool! Suh-weet!

Let's start with the Futureheads! Take a look.

Maybe if I have time, I'll start posting some of the other past shows as well.
Will there ever be a time that I'm just not absolutely giddy with things like this? I hope not.

Posted: Mon - July 18, 2005 at 10:54 AM           |
