Good To Be Back (and Wanted!)

So I have to say that I am very impressed with Philadelphia! So impressed, and entertained, that no blog entries were written. I missed the Laura Cantrell show, but I did get to catch Shannon McNally, so you will be hearing about that soon.

And in that time, one of the biggest music events in history occured. I purposely didn't comment on Live 8 because I knew everyone and there brother were blogging it to death. The best I could come to Live 8 related blogging was how crazy the airport was on the Thursday prior to the event, as I was trying to get out of the city, ugh. However, I am glad to hear how good it all seems to have went. Here is a different take on the success of Live 8 from the perspective of the CIO of Case Western Reserve University.

So now that I am back and catching up on my messages, I have to say that I am a bit surprised at all the "friend requests" I'm getting on MySpace! They're usually bands looking to promote themselves, and I have to give them an "A" for effort in doing this. At first, I was accepting all the friend requests I could get, because my number of friends had me feeling quite inadequate compared to some people on there who had friends in the hundreds. So as I am sitting here going through these requests, looking at the profiles, and listening to the music, I'm noticing just how BAD some of these bands can be! Oh my. So I'm realizing that I can't accept these requests from musicians who's music I think stinks. So for the first time, I am actually denying requests to have friends. Should I feel bad?? I guess I've always been one for quality versus quantity.

Here's a link to one a band who's friend request I accepted, CatchPole, a band from Perrysburgh, OH (close to my hometown). It's amazing to see what kids are doing these days.

Posted: Tue - July 5, 2005 at 04:04 PM           |
