Filesharing Seal of Approval

I thought this was a clever idea... I fully understand the heated debate between record companies, P2P, and the artists that fall all along the spectrum on file sharing. I personally think this is a great dialog we having going here, and with all hot debates, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. I think the major record companies and major artists are money grubbers (anyone see an episode of MTV's Cribs??). I also think that a complete free-for-all in the music industry wouldn't help anyone. But having people on both extremes will likely produce something that works for all (most) parties involved. And no I don't think iTunes is the answer.

If you support the file sharing camp, then check out this blog here, where you can download quality copies of this logo for your albums (as well as get t-shirts and mugs).

Posted: Mon - May 16, 2005 at 09:48 AM           |
