Yahoo Video Search Tool

In just catching up with my "high-tech" news, an article about Yahoo's new video search tool caught my eye. I thought hmm... I have such a great experience finding CD cover art and such with the picture search on Google, that this intrigued me. I performed my defacto search for "difranco," as I do with any first-time experience with a music website/database (it just kind of gages the respect I should have for the site). I was pleasantly surprised to see links to videos of hers that I have not seen in some time. Most were located at Yahoo's Launch service, which I have to say that I am **continually** disappointed that they do not support playing media on OSX. Ridiculous! However, if you're not on OSX, check out some cool, older, Ani videos.

The results produced some crap, obviously, but one of the gems I thought I would share with you.

Here is a Real video of Ani at a Ralph Nader rally (I believe). It's about 11 minutes and has 2 songs and a poem (18MB).

This is also my first time loading a video onto the webspace provided by my ISP, so that I can save space on this account. Let me know how it works for you.

Posted: Fri - May 6, 2005 at 11:39 AM           |
