
There are a lot of great shows coming up, and I still have alot of great shows to review. This is finals week, tonight being my last final, so I have to do some catching up before I get any further behind.

I will be in Columbus this weekend, so I'll be missing the Kings of Leon show at the Beachland tomorrow night. I can't say I know much about them, but my roommate is really into them. Personally, I think the lead singer sounds a bit Elmer Fuddish, but I think they still have a great sound. And hell, they're opening for U2! That has to garner some respect. Then while in Columbus, Andrew Bird will be performing at Little Brothers for an early show on Sunday. That was very tempting, but would put me back very late in Cleveland on Sunday night.

Just today, I realized a show that a co-worker was telling me about (Bob Schneider) will be at the Beachland on Sunday night. That would work out perfectly! I started checking out the opening acts (trying to figure how how early I need to be there). First to open is Justing Market. You can check out his music at his MySpace site. Not bad, and a pretty impressive tour schedule, especially that he is opening for Keane this month at Scene Pavilion.

Next up is Billy Harvey. You need to check this site out. I have seen nothing like it. Take about 15 minutes, turn your speakers up and let it play. Seriously. I really think he smoked up before recording that.

Bob Schneider has a pretty cool site as well. You can check out the album, but also get to hear some spoken intros to each of the songs.

Should be a great show! Other great shows this next week pose some tough decisions. Bright Eyes / The Faint are on Monday at the Agora and Andrew Bird will be at the Grog Shop. Despite how phenomenal it would be to see Andrew Bird up close at the Grog, the Faint and Bright Eyes still win out. On Wednesday it's a tough decision, which I still haven't made. Decemberists are playing at the Grog and British Sea Power are playing at the Beachland. Then Sunday is Keane at the Scene Pavilion. And this is all just in the next week! Why isn't any of this stuff getting played on Cleveland Radio??

Posted: Thu - May 12, 2005 at 10:55 AM           |
