Billy Corgan Barely Hanging On

What is up with Billy Corgan these days? Is he OK???

From god-like stature with the Smashing Pumpkins, to a mediocre effort with Zwan, now he's on his own and looking like shit. I just couldn't help but be shocked by this photo. Does he have an eating disorder? Was it digitally altered to be semi-shocking? To me it just seems like this is a deliberate attempt to make him look angst and in suffering... that some PR firm thought this would be dramatic and sending some kind of message.

I'm not sure why I'm writing about Billy. I liked the SP, but was never really captivated by Billy Corgan. I guess this photo just took me as sadly deliberate.

Billy Corgan at

Posted: Wed - June 15, 2005 at 10:10 AM           |
