Austin City Limit's Video Archive

My friend Tim just forwarded me a great website that has clips of MANY great artists who performed and interviewed on Austin City Limits. First of all, let me give proper accolades to the show. They put some of the best musical (non-traditional) talent on television! I wish I could give more details and make regular blog entries based on particular episodes, but unfortunately the Cleveland market seems unable to accommodate this great show. Grrr... This can go into a much larger discussion about radio in Cleveland and the severe lack of quality, etc., but we'll save that for another post.

This website lists tons of artists, but unfortunately most of the clips are between 15 seconds to a minute. However there are some gems where you get the whole song. Check out the following:

Patty Griffin - she's just simply stunning. They picked a great song and I'm glad they posted the whole video.

Damien Rice - Damien is very good. This track was taken from "0" which is a great album (though often dark and very mellow)

The Shins - of Garden State fame. Not their best track, but definitely worth watching

I can't wait until the day where every episode is stored, in its entirety, and available on demand. Why aren't we there yet?

Posted: Wed - March 2, 2005 at 11:10 AM           |
