NewNowNext (6/18/07)

Here's the 3rd Installment of LOGO's NewNowNext Review...

This week's list.

Bloc Party - The Prayer

This album wasn't quite as good as I hoped, but it's still worth listening... The song has a slow, stark beginning but then picks up when the dance piece comes in. At that point is when I feel like I'm watching it on acid, or that's what it would feel like being on an acid trip.

Lilly Allen - LDN

Eh, I like Lilly's sound... I wouldn't turn it if it were on the radio. She's been getting more hype than I would expect, but then again, that may be more for her lifestyle.

Patrick Wolf - Accidents & Emergency

This has become one of my new favorite songs. You really need to get this song, and while you're at it, watch the video.

Kirsten Price - Magic Tree

Kristen was this week's interviewee. Ugh, she was obnoxious. She sounded so self-important when talking about her and her art. Her video was horrible as well (not an L Word fan, surprisingly enough).

White Stripes - Icky Thump

I got to see this video a couple weeks ago and was intrigued by the use of Spanish subtitles. For a second I thought D could use it in his Spanish class, but then realized the subject matter (prostitution) wouldn't be appropriate. Not a huge fan of the song or video.

Hilary Duff - Stranger

Blech. (boy is hot)

Kennedy - Your Mama

I guess this video is trying to be cheeky, with a dorky guy singing to a bunch of kinds how he's the one loving their mother. It really falls short. I couldn't even finish it.

The Pipettes - Your Kisses are Wasted on Me

I heard somewhere that The Pipette girls are a nerd's wet dream. They're hot, fun, and cheeky (dare I use that again). They may be great in concert, but the video's a little dull.

As Tall As Lions - Love Love Love

Not worth it. (boy these are getting short)

KT Tunstall - Other Side of the World

KT's cool. I can respect her. She's got a hot love interest, and an interesting video to boot.

Posted: Thu - June 21, 2007 at 08:13 PM           |
