Despite our Differences Bonus Disc

As I mentioned before, I didn't think I'd ever get to the point where I downloaded most of the music I listen to. I still have a strong affinity for the actual CD and packaging, but going shopping for used/new CD's has an inherent problem... it's called shopping, which I usually despise. Don't get me wrong, if I am going to go shopping for anything, it would be CD's... but the Internet has that instant gratification advantage.

There are instances where I will go out of my way to buy the physical product. Anytime something has the phrase "Limited Edition" or "Collectors Edition." And of course coming from a reputable artist... This is what happened with the Indigo Girls latest release, Despite our Differences. I wasn't quite sure what to think of this CD at first, that is until I saw them in concert. Since then, they have been renewed in my mind, and this album is as strong as any... And since I couldn't find the collectors edition at any local record stores, I finally had to order it on Amazon.

The Indigo Girls have always shined in their live performances, so I knew this live bonus disc wouldn't disappoint... Here's the track listing:

1. Money Made You Mean (live July 2006 tour)
2. Last Tears (alternate studio acoustic mix)
3. Little Perennials (live July 2006 tour)
4. Fly Away (alternate studio acoustic mix)
5. Pendulum Swinger (live July 2006 tour)
6. Three Count Highway (live July 2006 tour)

Of course, the Live Amy Ray tracks (1, 3, 6) are my favorites... Now that Spring is practically here, these are the ones you'll want to crank up, roll the windows down and go for a drive.

Posted: Mon - March 19, 2007 at 07:15 PM           |
