Finally... I have an iPhone!

This has been years in the making. I remember I was so excited when I got my first Palm Phone (Kyocera 7135) with the ability to sync information from my computer (a Mac) to my phone. It was clumsy and inconsistent, but it existed. Even then, I had dreams of Apple reviving something like the Newton, but with the ability to make phone calls. Finally, after all these years my dream has come true. From the Kyocera, I went to a Treo 600, then to a Treo 650. Hard to believe it's been almost 3 years since I upgraded to to the 650, when I thought it was the best phone ever. :-) How times change.

Of course some of the best features of the iPhone are music related, with Pandora's iPhone application being one of my favorite! There's also YouTube (obviously), LastFM, Eventful, and this new website / app I have yet to figure out called BlueHaze, involving the ability to view/submit concert photos being taken in your area. Something worth looking into. I'm hoping that the camera for the iPhone will fare slightly better in low-light concert venues. Hell, with the Wordpress application (if I change my blog location), I could even do live blogging from my phone... (we'll see).

My ONLY complaint at this time is the lack of ability to just listen to any artist I want. I can't navigate to their MySpace page because Flash isn't supported on the iPhone yet. Any suggestions on any apps or sites that would work on the iPhone, just let me know!

Posted: Wed - August 13, 2008 at 07:45 AM           |
