Big Head Todd & The Monsters (2/22/05)
how excited was I to see that Big Head Todd & the Monsters was coming to
the new House of Blues in Cleveland! Everyone remembers
(or should remember) the first CD they ever bought, if not the first couple. My
first CD purchase was the Gin Blossoms (Hey Jealously) and Big Head Todd &
the Monsters was the third. I was driving an '83 Chevy Blazer and was just
having my first CD player installed at Best Buy where I bought their Sister Sweetly album, particularly for
"Bittersweet." Shortly after that, I saw them in Toledo, OH at some venue that
fluctuated between names and functions over the years. They were great, and
I've always kept a place for them in my music history bank. (btw... Pearl Jam
Vs. was second)Since then, they haven't
gotten much attention (from me at least). Several years later I had picked up
another album of theirs, Beautiful World, and that was impressive as
well. But they still never progressed past being a nostalgic band for me. Fast
forward 8 years and here I am in Cleveland and they are coming around in
concert. What a perfect time to revisit my past. I checked them out online and
realized they hadn't stopped playing and record which was exciting. I even
noticed on their website that they allow the recording of live shows, how cool!
That's always the sign of a good live band. Prepared to document their show on
my new new music blog, I was all set to see them. Buying the ticket at the
show, I realized that no photos were allowed to be taken, doh! I took my camera
to the car, but kept by notebook close by me. So just in case you thought my
camera skills have greatly improved with this live shot above, don't be fooled,
it was a stolen photo from their
website. Opening
was Carbon
Leaf. Visiting their website prior to the show, I was looking forward
to a solid all-male band who had some pretty cute musicians. They are a good
college jam band with an Irish flavor. Great jams but I see why they're still
an opening act at a venue like House of
Blues.I was still stunned to see the
number of people at HOB and I questioned how many of the people may have been
there for a night out at cool new local establishment. Big Head Todd came on
stage and rocked out. I was mesmerized at the great energy they brought to the
stage. I was trying to remember if they were that good when I saw them before or
if they had just seasoned with age. They belted out amazing blues-infused rock
and roll, and then crooned you with some great ballads.
I did see one person clicking away
photos on their camera phone. First I thought about how I have to get one of
those to get past the corporate security staff at HOB and provide my readers
with continued live photography, but then thought what a great opportunity to
score some photos of this show! I approached the guy asking if he he could send
me some pictures if I gave him my email address. He pulled back and claimed he
wasn't taking any pictures. I quickly assured him that I had plans to take my
own pictures but had to return my camera to my car. I even mentioned this blog,
but I doubt that convinced him. I gave him my card and he said if some turned
out he would send them to me. Hope I'll get to update this entry soon with
them.They played a lot from Sister
Sweetly which was great and received a lot of reaction from the crowd. They
also covered Marvin' Gaye's "Let's Get It On," and played plenty of newer stuff.
I had to get up early the next morning but I just couldn't bring myself to
leave at a reasonable time. I kept thinking they played every song I wanted to
hear, but there was always one more, even if I didn't know
it.I eventually slipped out a bit early
and swung by the merchandise table on my way out, excited to show my
appreciation for such a great show by purchasing something at the merchandise
table. I stuttered when I saw t-shirts were $25! I did see that the band was
signing after the show (again, very cool) but that price I figured each of the
shirts must have already come pre-signed. I guess not paying more than $15 for
a t-shirt is one thing that has changed since I saw them years ago.
Posted: Fri - February 25, 2005 at 10:50 PM |
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