County Line II (4/18/08)

One show I forgot to post was from another unexpected, but wonderful night at the Barking Spider. It was a gorgeous night and sitting outside and listening to music was the perfect way to enjoy it. I checked their website and saw Countyline II were performing. Their website doesn't have much of anything posted, but they did have a couple song clips. They sounded good enough...

Turns out, they're amazing. It's this folk father / son powerhouse, with an accompanying upright bass. The son (mid-teens?) was a mandolin virtuoso, who also wrote some great songs. His father was brilliant on the acoustic guitar and harmonica. They played some fierce folk and I'll be VERY excited to see them again. Hope they update their website with some new dates.

Posted: Sun - May 11, 2008 at 06:00 AM           |
