Feist (4/23/08)

Feist may be my new favorite person. This show was phenomenal and I don't think it was just because we had 2nd row seats (!!!). :-)

This was a second concert night out with Eddie & Dan, but also some other friends as well. A delicious dinner at Johnny Mangos set the night off right, getting to catch up with friends I hadn't seen in a while. By the time we got to Playhouse Square and got our drinks and got situated, we missed Hayden opening. I still have no clue what he sounds like, and would kinda prefer to not know what we missed.

Feist was just gorgeous, funny, but yet slightly reserved. She encouraged us to treat the place like it was the Grog Shop - in a way that we'd enjoy the show - not disrespecting the venerable venue. Unfortunately, the PHS staff didn't really like this idea. But I have to say that the State Theatre was just perfect for her light and airy ballads. I'd also describe her sound as kind of lo-fi hippie pop.

She has put out some more up-beat "poppy" tunes, and has had some awesome remixes done of her songs. This makes me also want to see her perform a more dance/rock oriented show, because at this point I think she could do no wrong.

Click below for pictures of the show:

Some bonus content to make you love her even more:

Posted: Tue - May 13, 2008 at 07:29 AM           |
