Melissa Ferrick (4/4/08)

So this was my bazillionth time seeing Melissa. You just have to respect a performer that has as much "drive" as she does to continually tour (excuse the pun). This time it was in the Beachland Ballroom (never saw her there before), and they brought out the chairs for this show! I was curious if this was per her request (which would be a major change), or just the ignorance of the venue - not to say I ever thought a place as cool as the Beachland would be ignorant. Whatever the case, the change was kind of nice. She still played with emotion, but just the right level of reserve that sitting requires - something I think she should consider doing more of (don't hate).

I had some photos that I took with my Treo, but they're so bad that it would actually be a disservice to post them. I have a new camera too! On loan from the gracious John Kandray (link his artist's MySpace page coming soon).

Posted: Fri - May 2, 2008 at 07:33 AM           |
