Peter, Bjorn & John (11/29/07)

I was a little hesitant to see Peter, Bjorn & John. I know everyone knows Young Folks (the "whistling song") which is good and all, but as the date crept closer, I finally decided to download all of Writers Block and it turned out really enjoyed it. I decided I to go and was able to get my name on the list using my Street Team member credentials (aww yeah).

I was there in time for Besnard Lakes, but after watching the first "jam" with smoke machine and all, I realized my time would be better spent sitting at the bar.

Now walking around the shows like these at the Beachland, Grog, and the Agora really renews my faith in cool Clevelanders. This show brought in some of the coolest NEO has to offer (from a purely visual perspective at least), and I'm not saying that just because I was present.

While sitting at the bar, the place became increasingly packed... one of the fullest shows I've seen at the Beachland. The music was good and their accents were adorable, but the crowd became a bit much. I had talkers behind me and some drunk boys to the side. Combine that with people constantly moving and bumping into you, it definitely took away from the experience. I heard the songs I wanted to hear from the new album and ended up leaving before they were done. Not a big deal though, it was definitely worth it. Though this really makes me appreciate the smaller, more no-name shows.

(image via Pitchfork)


Posted: Sun - December 9, 2007 at 07:00 PM           |
