Pitchfork Music Festival 2007
for the delay. It's been a crazy week, and writing
this particular post is no easy task... Pitchfork Music Festival was one of the
best music experiences I've ever had.The
beginning. This was our second weekend in Chicago this summer and we were
staying with our friend Sal (as usual). We drove in on Friday night so we could
hang out with her and have plenty of time on Saturday before heading over to the
Festival. While we had no plans to party, it just kind of happens when you're
in Chicago, or so we've experienced. Sal took us to Boys Town and we ended up
drinking and spending much more than we were planning, but what fun we had.
Near the end of the night we ended up at Berlin, where we stumbled upon a performance of
Voxbox. Lets just say it was one man, some
manequins, some police barrier tape, and a laptop (Apple of course). Check out
the link to hear his sound... go ahead, I'll wait.... Crazy stuff huh. It
was fun and I was glad I got photos and some video of the
experience.Saturday The
next morning I got up and looked for my camera. It's no where to be found. Panic
started setting in... but it only took a couple minutes to realize it fell out
of my pocket in the cab ride home. What a horrible feeling. I really wasn't
that heartbroken about the camera, or the photos I had on it from the night
before, but what killed me was I had no camera for Pitchfork!! I almost ran out
to buy a new one when Sal graciously lent me hers... But unfortunately that
means I only got photos of the first day (and far fewer than I was
planning).After the crazy morning, Sal
and Chris drove us out to the Festival. I walked in with such high-anxiety. I
don't know what my problem was... I think it was all the build-up of going, the
stress of losing my camera, not knowing what we should bring into the festival,
etc. As soon as we got in, we found the line for the ATM (we blew all our cash
for the weekend the previous night). But standing in line, I began to realize
just how cool this was going to be. We got there at 1:30 and could hear Califone on a
stage across the field. I looked around and saw some of the coolest people I've
ever encountered. They were everywhere!!! It had an energy about it that any
true music fan would just revel in.By
the time we got through the ATM line, it was time for Voxtrot. We
found our way over to the stage and laid out our sheet (we left our folding
chairs at home for fear of not having room to use them). At this point I was
starting to calm down and really take it all in. Voxtrot sounded amazing...
Much more the alt-80's-gay look than I was
expecting.The festival was setup so as
one act was on stage C, they were prepping for the next act on stage A. The
beauty of this was you could just sit between the stages and turn around for the
other show. Precisely what we did for the next act, Grizzly
Bear. And as I was expecting, there gathered quite the crowd for this
indie-favorite. I've been listening to Yellow House, knowing I should be liking it more
than I am. However, seeing them live has given me a new respect for their more
spacious, layered sounds. They were fun and really seemed to be enjoying
themselves.In addition to these two main
stages, there was a smaller stage (B) that was separated away. Next on the list
was heading over to see Fujiya and Miyagi. The side stage was a
challenge because it's on an alley with food and vendor tents, so we didn't
really get a good view of the band and was kind of hard to hear. But I did hear
enough to make me disappointed we missed their previous Thursday night at the
Grog Shop. They're definitely still on my "to see"
list.The Saturday ended relatively
early. It was D's birthday and he wanted to head out and meet up with our
friends to eat dinner and celebrate. We stayed a little while longer to hear
some songs by Iron & Wine, but then left. I felt like I
was being disconnected from some magical place, and it was at this point I
committed to coming back next year and staying the ENTIRE time. Anyone can come
with me if they like, just be aware that I'm staying to the bitter end.
was another debaucherous night with friends, accidentally of course. We were
out dancing and partying until about 4:30am (a rare feat), so we were a bit slow
getting around the next morning. D woke up in good spirits but quickly realized
he was still lit and had the impending hang-over to deal with. We ate and got
out the door for the show. This time we were just driving and parking so we
could just leave the festival and get on the road back to Risingsun. It was a
little touch-and-go with D for a while, but we scored a primo parking space and
made it in for a couple more performances. We missed Deerhunter, which got a nice plug from Grizzly
Bear the day before, but made it for Menomena. I've really been enjoying their
album, but once again they sounded great, if not better live!
Last was the big kahuna... Junior Boys.
Their most recent album has been a favorite of both D and I for a while, so it
was exciting to see them. They really rocked the stage and the crowd was loving
it. They played all their best songs and was everything I was hoping for. They
were the one act I would have liked to fight my way to the stage for... From
this point, it was time to go. We had a 5 hour drive ahead of
us.Overall, a
experience. So much so that I already started planning for next year. First by
promising myself that I'll be staying for the whole thing. But also by creating
a list of what to bring, which I'll share with you, in case you you're going
next year.Winking Lizard Blanket - which
is a nice fold, up blanket with fleece on one side and vinyl on the
other)Earth Pad - good for laying out and
taking a nap, easy to roll up and attach to the
back-packSkip-Bo - A game for chilling between
actsSun Guard stuff - Hat, SPF,
SunglassesAnd of course
Reviews:Saturday | SundayLiveDaily's Pitchfork Review
Review of Grizzly Bear from You Ain't No
Posted: Mon - July 30, 2007 at 07:32 AM |
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