Joan Armatrading (6/16/07)
have lauded Joan
Armatrading before on this blog (here) so I'll spare you some of the outpouring
of my love for her. But there is no doubt that she's one of the seminal female
singer/songwriters in music history, and for good reason. I saw her once,
several years ago at Cain Park, shortly after I was just getting into
her music. It makes me kind of sad because it was the perfect situation to see
her... a small dedicated crowd, a great outside venue, and she was touring an an
album.She has since released
her Into the Blues album, which as I've said before, isn't one of my favorite genres.
Still it's Joan. The closest she's come to Ohio on her tour was Chicago and I
wasn't going to miss this opportunity to see her again. We booked a hotel room
and went out with fellow-fans, John &
Bill. Of
course the downside of all this was that she was performing at the Chicago House of Blues (blech). At first I
thought maybe the Chicago experience there would be better than Cleveland's, but
it wasn't. However we had dinner there before the show and it was surprisingly
GREAT. We were able to do the "Jump the line" thingy, where you get in early by
eating there. Great idea in theory, but not in practice. We were in the venue
by 7:30 and EVERY single stool and place to sit was taped with a reserve
sign.... meaning that we would end up standing until the show ended at nearly
midnight.Opening was Heather
Horton. Armed with an electric violin and a bare midrif, I had some
hope. However her music had much to be desired, as did her personality. She
was overly gracious to the point of being obnoxious. Though she did redeem with
her final song being a cover of Loretta Lynn and Jack White's "Portland
Oregon." Joan
took the stage around 10:15 and the crowd erupted. I was very excited to see a
crowd so over-the-top excited to see her... A nice change from the small crowd
at Cain Park. She had a magical smile and took it all in. She had a great
interaction with the crown, very witty, and kept the drunks in their place (as
HOB is known for). She played a lot of stuff from the new album. Her band was
amazing and she truly "rocked out" on some tracks - but all while making it look
effortless. She also covered some of her older songs, such as Walk Under
Ladders, Show Some Emotion, and the crowd favorite - Willow. I didn't even know
that it was a audience-participation song, but the several verses that the
audience sang, gave me chills.Earlier in
the night, I noticed she would be signing CD's back by the Coat Check. I
instantly planned to be back asap, so I didn't have to make my friends wait any
longer than they had to... but I wasn't going to miss this chance. As the
encore finished, D helped by holding the first spot in line until I got back
there. I only had to wait (still standing) for another 20 minutes or so until
she walked back. There I was, tired, a little drunk, and completely excited to
meet her. I'm sure I looked the sight. I rehearsed what I was going to say to
her, but blurted out something stupid while she signed my CD. Then it was
over... but I don't think I stopped smiling all night.
Posted: Fri - June 22, 2007 at 01:29 PM |
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