Bears (5/8/07)

I love this warm weather... Last night after finishing up some last minute touches on our new porch, we decided to go out for a bite and some drinks before seeing the Bears. While going to a patio location would have been ideal, we opted to knock out a couple more beers from our World Tour at the Winking Lizard. They were packed and we were running a little late. And as usual, there's really no way to gage exactly when an artist will hit the stage. Last night we were hoping for an early night, being a week night and all - especially since D has to get up for school in the morning.

The website said show at 9:00, with Bears being the 2nd opening act, I was hoping they would be on stage by 9:30ish, and done by 10:15 at the latest. Unfortunately, we walked in at 9:30 and the first band hadn't even started yet. This was too late for D, so I dropped him off at home and went back to the Grog. I got there in time to catch the last song of the opener, and waited for the Bears to come on. And as usual, the coolest of the cool kids were there. The Bears took the stage around 10:15. They had quite the setup and presence for an opening band (6 members), but I was glad because this was my main event for the night...

So do you have your bands that are good live, but the CD's don't quite capture the magic... or the opposite where the CD's are great, but live they're lack-luster? I have to say the latter applies to the Bears. I knew the songs, and they didn't sound *horrible* but something was missing. The lead singers voice, Charlie, sounded a bit nasally. But then he's quite easy on the eyes, so he's forgiven. I'm not saying this to dissuade anyone from seeing them live. They're worth it (especially at $8), but I think they just need some more live practice or something. Either way, I'm happy to say I'm a proud Cleveland fan... I'm ready for another album!

Posted: Wed - May 9, 2007 at 02:58 PM           |
