Liz Stahler / Nathan Duprey (4/5/07)

With D being in Atlanta this week for his Spring Break, I was excited to see a good show at the Barking Spider, giving me something to do. And even better, I was getting to see Liz Stahler again. The last time I saw Liz was such a treat, that I knew it would be good. I just didn't realize how good...

When I walked in, I hear this dramatically beautiful music coming from the piano, at which point I see this cute guy giving it all up. (I didn't even know anyone else was on the bill!) Though I know I'm a sucker for a cute guy at a piano, this guy deserved the attention. I checked the tip jar to see his name was Nathan Duprey. It turns out he's a friend of Liz and they're touring together.

I'm not quite sure how to describe Nathan... He's an amazing piano player, with a great, kind of smoky voice, and he throws down some amazing keys on the piano. His songs drifted between grandiose and rather straight forward, and it all seemed so effortless and right from the heart... I was a little shocked to think that he produced all these songs himself, and that he wasn't already well-known.

Liz got on stage and admitted to being a little nervous to bring Nathan on tour because he would steal her piano thunder... but she stood on her own just fine. For one artist to go back and forth between guitar and piano is always an added bonus in my book. Liz has such a beautifully clean and distinct voice, and is definitely a solid performer. This was the first show with her brand new CD, Stitches In My Sleeve. One of the best parts of seeing Liz is getting to hear her stories in between songs... especially when she realizes she's realizing she's sticking her foot in her mouth. :) Liz ended with a great cover of Bob Dylan's "I Shall Be Released." I definitely think if both these guys keep at it, they'll definitely "make it" (whatever that means).

After the show I went to buy CD's from each of them and was quite surprised to realize Liz remembered me from last time, even thought it's been a year and a half! Having gotten to listen to both their CD's, I would recommend them to anyone. I now have a couple Liz CD's, but I'll have to see if Nathan has any more... Update: He does!

For anyone that has a chance to see these guys tour together... GO!! You can check out their tour schedules on their MySpace Pages:

Liz Stahler:
Nathan Duprey:

(apologies for the poor photo quality... D has my camera with him in Atlanta)

Posted: Thu - April 5, 2007 at 04:40 PM           |
