Supersystem (9/6/06)

Whoops. I haven't been as diligent in writing about shows these last couple months, as I haven't been seeing very many. This caused me to miss writing about the Supersystem show here at The Spot at Case. This was kind of an exciting show because it was my first time seeing one on campus, and I was going to be meeting my friend Joel and his friend Robert.

At first I was concerned that I couldn't get in because they were billed as students-only shows. After finding where it was (more confusing that I was expecting), I was able to walk right in with my ID. I'd like to think because I still look the age of an active undergraduate student (okay, maybe not). But still, I was in.

There were a couple openers, and it was kind of a strangely-lit show. Too much light basically... but I guess they do what they can to keep those crazy undergraduates in line. The students that were in attendance were all so COOL. I feel like I get to see a lot of students in a typical work day, but being in the library I guess I only get to see the more studious ones. This show hosted an entirely different body of student that I typically see on campus. Quite refreshing.

Oh, and The Spot actually has GREAT beers on tap for CHEAP!

Supersystem was spectacular. They played for about 20 students in this unusual space, but did it as if it were their last show... And coincidentally, it was close. They have since disbanded, which is really sad because I've recently been getting really into their records. I would still recommend that you pick (at least) the newest one up. It's a great listen. Check them out at

Here's a free track:
"White Light / White Light" from A Million Microphones

Posted: Thu - December 21, 2006 at 07:21 PM           |
