Concert Catch-up (3/12/06 - 4/1/06) 4 Shows
(3/12/2006)This was my first show at
Pittsburgh's Club Café. I was excited to see a show
there because some of my favorite acts perform there before/after their
appearance in Cleveland. However, since Teddy
didn't make it this way, I was happy to go where he was. Of course, any reason
to visit Pittsburgh and stay with my friends John & Bill is a good one.
Club Café is not at all what I expected... a little more restaurant-ish and
less Grog Shop-ish that I figured it would be. When you walk in, you feel like
you just walked on stage with everyone looking at you... The crowd was also
older than I expected, which I attribute to him being the progeny of Richard & Linda
Thompson. I also would have expected more of a gay following - 1)
because he's *sexy* 2) because of his contribution to the Brokeback Mountain soundtrack and 3) because
he's good friends and often tours with Rufus
Wainwright.On stage he was
calm, witty, and quite chatty. Though his bassist (who he made the record with)
seemed agitated and tried to rush him through his inter-song banter (which was
highly entertaining). Did I mention how sexy he was? Sporting a deep, smooth
voice... and the British accent only made it better. I like his new CD, but I
loved him in concert even
more. Coldplay
(3/20/06)As you can tell, we were in
the north 40 for this show. I've seen Coldplay several times before, in much smaller
venues. I didn't have much interest to see them at the Q, but my
sister was really excited to come to town and see them so we went. They were
good. I haven't paid much attention to their new album... I'm kinda Coldplayed
out (as I think a lot of people
are).This show only solidified my
distaste for massive-venue shows. Other than seeing Madonna (an upcoming
entry), I will refuse to go to a venue like this again unless I can get
seats for less than $100 (and that's pretty
unlikely).Cleveland Country
Band / Roger Hoover & the Whiskeyhounds / Deadstring Brothers
(3/29/06) Again,
another night to see Roger Hoover & gang at the Beachland Tavern (Freddie
Hill's birthday). The show was only $6. The Cleveland Country Band opened, and in no way did
they give off a professional touring band feel. True, they are from Cleveland,
but it felt like just a couple friends got up there and played without
practicing. They even called themselves out on this as they neared the end of
their set and struggled finding songs to finish. This is not to say that it
wasn't a great show... I liked them. The lead singer could pass for Matthew
Broderick's younger hillbilly brother, and the lead female expressed everything
she was feeling through her facial expressions. It was already at this point
that I realized this was the best $6 I ever
spent.The Whiskeyhounds
got on stage and just rocked out. In the past I've been partial to their more
acoustic sound (just Roger & Freddie) but tonight the whole band was on
fire. Roger then swore by the Deadstring Brothers, and when they took the
stage, they returned the compliment by saying that the Whiskeyhounds were the
best thing they've seen on tour ,and Cleveland should really appreciate them...
which I think I've been saying for the past couple years. I was so burnt-out
(in a good way) from the previous two acts that I didn't have much to say about
the Deadstring Brothers... They didn't have a lot
of personality, but they definitely had some soul on
stage. Strays
Don't Sleep / Josh Rouse
(4/1/06) in Atlanta,
GAIn going back and catching up on
this show and digging back through photos that I took, I was surprised to see a
picture of Matthew Ryan where I was expecting Strays Don't
Sleep, but then I quickly realized that he is in that band! Now this
may not come as a shock to you, but I've known about Matthew for a while and had
just seen him in concert (another upcoming entry)... but I had
no idea
at the time that this was him. How cool! But at the time of this show, I
thought they were decent... kind of Death Cab-ish.
I was really excited about this show
because I've never seen Josh Rouse come to Cleveland and I've been dying
to see him for some time. So when I realized that his show in Atlanta coincided
with our trip, I about jumped through the roof! I also knew that we'd be
visiting people, so it was setup that D's friend Laura would be joining us for
the show. She missed the opening act but arrived just in time for Josh. As
excited as I was for this show, I was also exhausted because I had been up the
entire previous night while partying in Augusta, GA (great times). But nothing
was going to stop me from enjoying it, except until Laura finally showed up.
Something between her and D wasn't clicking and they started fighting. This
isn't uncommon and I never get involved. But this also left us without a place
to stay that night, so we ended up leaving the show early and getting on the
road back to Ohio that night, finding some hotel along the way to stay at. All
this left me with little to say about seeing Josh (except he's not as cute in
person as he is in promotional photographs). I do know that he sounded
wonderful, as good in concert as he is on CD. But I'll have to wait to see him
again to see his whole show and give a better
Posted: Thu - November 30, 2006 at 07:37 AM |
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