Missy Brodrick (11/3/05)

Wow, I'm getting a ways behind... Though with all thats been going on, I guess it's no surprise. Graduating, changing jobs, hometown garage sales... It's enough to keep anyone busy. Though finally the dust is settling (a little).

So it's a beautiful Saturday afternoon and I'm about to go see my first live show tonight in over a month! Leo is coming over and we're going to see our friend Amanda perform at Cafe Limbo over by Shaker Square. So I figured this is the perfect opportunity to continue with my quest to document every show I attend. This purpose is the sole reason why I'd even write about seeing Missy Brodrick. Not because she wasn't any good, but mostly because she wasn't particularly memorable.

I went to see her because of her "Influences" and "Sounds Like" sections. And now reviewing these sections again, I guess I didn't notice ALL the artists she had listed. She had her Joni Mitchell's and Rufus Wainwright's... but I must have overlooked the Mariah Carey's and "John Mayer's.

It was a really nice night to see a show and I was willing to take my chances. Hanging around the Barking Spider on a cool November night is always rewarding. However, my main thoughts were not about the show, but how respectful I am of artists who are doing their thing. So many performers are putting themselves out there, performing in places where they may not even be welcomed all for the pursuance of their art. I realize that many are in for the possibility of "making it big," but with such a small chance of accomplishing it, I like to think that most just do it because they love it. That is probably the main reason I enjoy seeing live shows so much. It's a very accessible form of performance art. And I have the utmost respect for those who are doing it. So even though I don't remember you Missy... keep on playing.

Posted: Sat - May 27, 2006 at 08:27 PM           |
