Midwest Dilemma (10/18/05)

John was back in town, so he joined D & I at the Barking Spider that night for a show. Up was Midwest Dilemma . Of course he has a MySpace site, and I really liked the music he played. Kinda mellow & folky... perfect for a laid back night at the Barking Spider.

Once he started playing, John immediately called the Bright Eyes similarity, which I didn't get at first. As the night went on, I could tell, however I would have thrown in a bit of Bonnie Prince Billy. As it turns out, he's from Omaha, Nebraska, which is where the Saddle Creek label is based out of (Bright Eyes, The Faint).

After the show, he sat at the table with us and we talked for quite a while. In fact, he was really chatty. But overall it was a great night. I highly recommend seeing him perform, especially on a brisk fall overcast day. Below is one of my favorite songs by him.

Stolen Car:

He also blogged about this night. Check it out here.

*note that I did not take this picture of him

Posted: Sun - February 5, 2006 at 11:14 AM           |
